联合国难民署对刚果民主共和国日益恶化的人道主义危机深感不安。因为无法联络到流离失所者,紧急援助的提供也受到了阻碍。 在北基伍省和南基伍省的戈马市和米诺瓦镇周边,重型火炮轰炸和扫荡摧毁了7万个紧急庇护所,使约35万境内流离失所者再次 ...
苏丹正处在当今时代最具破坏性的危机之一之中。联合国及其合作伙伴呼吁全球采取行动,向其60亿美元的援助请求提供支持,以帮助该国及该地区人民。 在苏丹,接近两年的冲突导致了灾难性的人道主义危机,并使该国及周边地区超过1200万人流离失所。
Frontline communities continue to suffer the dire consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine for a fourth year.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, deeply regrets the deportation of some 40 Uighurs after more than 10 years in Thailand’s detention centres.
UNHCR spokespeople are available at our headquarters in Geneva, our regional offices and in many of our field operations to answer media enquiries and provide interviews. Our content team provides ...
UNHCR is currently responding to emergencies in multiple countries, working to keep refugees safe while they are displaced from their homes.
Millions of people around the world are denied the right to a nationality, leaving them stateless. As a result, they may be unable to access other basic rights and services, such as being able to go ...
Frontline communities continue to suffer the dire consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine for a fourth year.
UNHCR is aware of scams and other kinds of fraudulent activities on social media and the internet involving UNHCR’s name or logo. Such fraud and scam schemes not only undermine UNHCR’s reputation and ...
Aid agencies make a big impact when working together. At UNHCR, we coordinate quick, effective responses in emergencies.