A violent fire broke out in an apartment building in the early Thursday morning. The building got evacuated and no people ...
Both female managing directors and board members are few and hard to find in Västerbotten. That is the findings of a survey ...
Many of those who lost their jobs at Northvolt have not found new jobs and now risk being deported. The Swedish Migration ...
Norovirus, flu and RS virus is currently running wild in Västerbotten and the level of contagion has not peaked yet according ...
Karlgårdsbron är ett haveri menar insändarskribenten som kräver svar från kommunens ledande politiker. Lorents Burman (S), ...
The inflation figure for February is expected to rise to 2.7 per cent according to the consumer price index (CPI), up from ...
This week all schools are out for the winter sports holidays and a multitude of activities are arranged for the residents of ...
Så länge inte väljarna stoppar politiker som är ointresserade av en offentlig ekonomi i balans kommer vi att få acceptera att ...
Guideline Geo, which has its production in Malå, had a tough start last year. However, now things are in motion and they have ...
, Lövånger, somnade den 13 februari stilla in efter ett liv fyllt av kärlek och omtanke om sin familj. Hon blev 85 år. Alice ...
Relik på Urban Stoltz (V) och Jan Remmets (V) debattartikel ”atsa på framtidens kommunikationer i Skellefteå” i Norran den 21 ...
Spring has arrived in parts of Norrbotten and Västerbotten, including the area around Byske. – It’s an exceptional winter ...