"This body has focused on attacking a democratic country and propagating antisemitism instead of promoting human rights." ...
Jewish Press2 小时Opinion
Time For UNWRA To Go
By all logic, with the creation of UNHCR, UNWRA became redundant and should have been dissolved. But it wasn’t. And in retrospect, there was method to the madness.
"This threat has already extracted a heavy human toll from us . . . Everyone has joined the mission with the understanding that defending Israel's skies is a top priority." ...
Cheit ha’egel, the sin of the golden calf, is perhaps the most infamous event in the Torah, a sin compared to the original sin of Adam HaRishon and one that has repercussions throughout Jewish histo ...
Strengthening Jewish identity is the best way to combat antisemitism, Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli told participants Tuesday night during a three-day Yael International summit held in Cyprus ...
Anyone who accepts the package and later attempts to return to Gaza would, under the bill, be required to repay it plus a 100% penalty adjusted for inflation and interest.
An executive order to deporting pro-Hamas student visa holders horrifies left-wingers. Would they defend foreigners inciting against other minorities?
If every family and business in our community, whether or not they have children in our schools, donates the maximum allowed contribution, it would generate enough funds to significantly lower tuition ...
What is a 2,500-year-old burial site doing in a previously unknown location in the Negev Highlands? Researchers from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) recently uncovered this remarkable tomb ...
Speaking to reporters alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Tuesday, Trump proposed that the U.S. take control of Gaza, resettle its Palestinian population ...
A lot of people are asking, so here you go...WHAT I THINK OF TRUMP'S PLAN FOR GAZA...Let's start with the big picture impact of his plan on the war...The War Iran & Qatar Started Has B ...
Providing financial support and political power to terror-related groups without fundamental change in their nefarious educational messaging will not advance peace.