Davidson College’s Sustainability Scholars Summer Internship Program has connected students passionate about people and ...
From Tanzania to Davidson College, Alvarez Scholar Domina Wamara ‘26 has found her community as she pursues a future in ...
Davidson College Professor Ann M. Fox will share expertise in disability studies and American studies with colleagues and ...
Brager will talk about using the specificity of one's own experience and background to make sense of a larger story–thinking about internal state violence in relation to colonial projects, and the ...
Starting in 1975, Davidson College offered July Experience, a three-week immersion program for high school seniors that helped them to know what to expect at college. Over the years, the structure and ...
Stay connected with classmates and share updates about yourself and your classmates! If you have an update to share or are interested in volunteering as a class secretary, please email the Office of ...
Associate Professors and ALPhA co-founders Michelle Kuchera and Raghu Ramanujan with their student researchers. Ben Votaw came to Davidson College with little formal research experience; he’ll ...
The Davidson College Historical Campus Tour project arose from the realization that much of the college’s complete history is not readily known by the campus and college community. It aims to provide ...
The Center for Civic Engagement provides grants and seed funding to support service and social action throughout the United States and abroad. Examples of funded projects include an internship with an ...
Jane Mangan was graduating early from high school in York, Pennsylvania, and aiming for a gap year before college. It was 1986, and the mail one morning brought exciting news. She had been selected ...