First there were shoes, now Australian pro surfer Josh Kerr has made the first surfboards using materials from recycled wind ...
It’s common to see a group of blokes working away on a rooftop solar installation, but an all-women team? Not likely.
Labor’s offshore wind plans are under fire from all corners of the conservative political and media landscape, as Peter Dutton succeeds in sowing FUD.
The first stage of what will be Australia’s biggest battery has entered the grid management system and is ready to start testing and commissioning.
State of the Market report for corporate renewable power purchase agreements reveals another record year for deals – and a new contender for the biggest player in the Australian market.
A Nordex wind turbine has collapsed at a wind farm in northern Oklahoma with no discernible explanation for what caused the tower to buckle.
NT confirms plans to extend the life of a nearly 40-year old gas plant as it struggles to ramp up the renewable energy share on its main grid.
Draft strategy says batteries of all sizes – and deep storage – are critical to Victoria’s future energy infrastructure. And it calls for all replacement appliances to be ...
Australia’s main grid boasted a record share of renewables over summer, and experienced record demand highs and record demand lows – and no supply shortfalls.
Remote wind and solar farms and those in what was once known as the “rhombus of regret” get good news from grid upgrades, but for others it is not so good.
The energy industry has assumed consumers manage their energy use like ‘mini-economists’ or ‘mini-engineers.’ Digital sociologist Professor Yolande Strengers says this is wrong.
German developer proposes a solar-battery near the tiny town of Deepwater, just inside the northern edge of the New England REZ.