Columbia police have cautioned drivers to take the time to lock their car doors.Data from the Missouri State Highway Patrol ...
An Osage Beach officer was involved in a traffic crash Saturday. According to a press release, on March 1, Officer Stephen ...
The United Nations' World Food Program is closing its southern Africa office in the wake of the Trump administration's aid ...
This week is severe weather preparedness week in Missouri and the region could be in store for its first round of severe ...
A driver rammed a car into a crowd Monday in the southwestern German city of Mannheim, and authorities said two people were ...
Sunday night marked Hulu's first time airing the Oscars live. But its A cademy Awards debut ended on a chaotic and ...
The Callaway County Sheriff's Office announced that Deputy Gardner Pottorff returned to light duty on Monday. The deputy ...
Planned Parenthood officials said Monday they performed their first 4 elective abortions in Columbia since 2018. It’s been ...
A Crocker, Mo., man was charged with drug trafficking after police officers found him passed out in a car at a gas station.On ...
An Eldon, Mo., man faces two drug charges after the Osage Beach K-9 unit sniffed out a stash of psilocybin mushrooms.The ...
Robert Crimo III faces 21 counts of first-degree murder, three counts for each person killed, as well as 48 counts of ...
An Auxvasse man was charged for possessing several types of drugs during a traffic stop in Miller County.On Friday at 10:08 p ...