The real problem with the abolition of USAID is its casual cruelty and tragic human consequences, says Bob McMullan.
Policymakers should note that wage fluctuations over two decades have been driven by productivity and the real exchange rate, ...
The US administration's attack on foreign assistance should prompt not only a defence but also a rethinking of the aid model, says Lisa Denney.
Communication with PEV applicants needs to be improved and visa processing times increased, or job offers will lapse, finds Natasha Turia.
Donors should not see aid as a means of pursuing their own interests at the expense of alleviating poverty and inequality, says Graham Teskey.
Bougainville’s decade-long conflict formally ended with the signing of the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA). This established the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) and set in train a ...
The Australasian AID Conference was held on 3-5 December 2024 in Canberra. Conference presentations are now available on the Devpolicy ANU website. View keynote addresses and selected conference ...
The 2024-25 federal budget update, released in December, contained additional funding to support the provision of $100 million over five years in budget support to Nauru as part of a new bilateral ...