The document, describing the Trump administration’s interpretation of civil-rights law, says that cultural events are ...
Tesla manager Jared Ottmann was fired after criticizing Elon Musk's antisemitic rhetoric and condemning Tesla for its silence ...
Is there a middle ground between being ruled by our feelings and repressing them?
It was when the Serbian army rounded up Bosnian men and boys, ages 12 and up, and led them to their deaths,” said community organizer Adela Muhic. “Their crime was simply just being Bosnian and Muslim ...
Opinion editor Matthew T. Hall has written three columns over the past month about a Holocaust remembrance where a rabbi’s ...
During the event, which included a dinner, awards ceremony and an abridged Kabbalat Shabbat service, the leadership of the ...
Arielle Nakdimon writes that organizers acted appropriately in cutting remarks from video of the event because they didn’t ...
Rabbi Samuel Rose had his remarks struck from the video record of a Holocaust memorial in Columbia, SC. He writes that he ...
Craig Farrand is a former managing editor of The News-Herald Newspapers. He can be reached at
Take pictures, because one day they will say this never happened,’ Eisenhower’s great-grandson says at Holocaust memorial ...
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands visited Anne Frank The Exhibition in New York City on Feb. 25, and PEOPLE followed along.
Do not be indifferent,” he was known to say, as he advocated for education, Holocaust survivors and Righteous Gentiles.