最显著的是新当选的美国总统特朗普征收关税将引发的全球贸易战。排在第二位的是全球股市暴跌,因为股市已被推到了令人流鼻血的高位,下跌的时机已然成熟。 在其漫长的总统竞选过程中,中国似乎一直是他的心头大患,但他并没有首先对准中国,而是攻击了美国最重要的盟友和邻国加拿大,并毫不意外地瞄上了墨西哥,宣布对这两个国家征收25%的进口关税。
"China's position is firm and consistent. There is no winner in trade and tariff wars," the spokesperson stressed, adding that the US unilateral tariff hikes severely violate WTO rules. This move ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Saturday to impose a 10-percent tariff on goods imported from China. The latest U.S. trade protectionist measure ...