Jamie Foxx is not one to kiss and tell about his real-life love interests, so it comes as no surprise that he is even more ...
近期,美国演员杰米·福克斯(Jamie,Foxx)被证实,他与交往近三年的女友艾莉丝·赫克斯泰普(Alyce,Huckstepp)已正式分手。 据外媒1月24日报道,两人分道扬镳的消息已得到证实,但具体分手时间仍是个谜。福克斯的发言人对此事尚未作出回应,而《人物》杂志是首家爆料该消息的媒体。
After Alix Earle’s younger sister Ashtin shared her break up from DJ John Summit, the Tulane University student revealed what she’s putting her focus into these days in an exclusive E! News interview.