Cathy Smith will replace Rachel Ruggeri at an undetermined date, with Ruggeri remaining for some time to ease the transition.
The brand wants its Cantina Chicken Menu and beverage orders to each account for $5 billion in yearly sales by the end of the decade.
The partnership will further the chicken chain’s aggressive growth strategy, which has 40 units open with a pipeline of 350 restaurants.
Jason's Deli, the restaurant brand renowned for its commitment to making every customer happy through quality food and service, has partnered with Cartwheel, the leading enterprise delivery management ...
Betsy Schmandt, who has been with the company for 18 months, will work on enhancing the brand’s position, focus on value and continue the chain’s growth trajectory.
CFO Scott Kennedy will take on the interim leadership role when John Butcher steps down from his position on March 14.
Perkins will unveil its flagship restaurant in Orlando, Florida, on March 19, according to a press release. The flagship restaurant serves a new menu that is a moderni ...