CHINA’S MMG has mothballed its cobalt processing plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo amid a slump in the price of the ...
KENMARE Resources said on Thursday it had rejected an initial €565m takeover bid from a consortium led by its former MD ...
A R3200 per ounce decline in the average basket price of platinum group metals (PGMs) would derail Northam Platinum’s Eland ...
MALI has suspended the granting of new artisanal mining permits to foreigners following accidents in recent weeks that ...
SPECIAL dividends are usually grounds for investor celebration. In the case of Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), however, ...
THE platinum market is heading towards another major deficit this year while above-ground stocks of the metal fall to only ...
HARMONY Gold CEO Beyers Nel acknowledged the company “cannot forever hoard cash”, but a dividend policy adjustment or special ...
ENDEAVOUR Mining bought back $22m of its own shares so far this year, and said it would opportunistically repurchase more as ...