Deaths involving influenza remained low in November and December 2024. Influenza-related mortality in 2024 was 67.3% higher than those recorded in 2023 (1,002 deaths compared to 599).. There were ...
Estimates of the extent, condition and services provided by Australia's ecosystems, including terrestrial, coastal, freshwater and marine realms ...
The monthly CPI indicator rose 2.5% in the 12 months to January. The top contributors to the annual movement were Food and non-alcoholic beverages (+3.3%), Housing (+2.1%), and Alcohol and tobacco (+6 ...
Includes crop production, value, cropping area and counts of businesses for key summer and winter broadacre crops and sugarcane. Excludes hay and silage. Agricultural levy payer register records from ...
In December 2024, total wages and salaries paid by employers: ...
at the State and Territory level, the Northern Territory has the highest proportion of people living in relatively disadvantaged households (30.3%), excluding other territories (32.2%). The Australian ...
A 0.4% rise in the 13-industry aggregate Rises were seen in seven of 13 published industries The largest rise was in Electricity, gas, water and waste services (+12.9%) Year-on-year, rises were seen ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
Languages used at home data is based on place of usual residence Households where a non-English language is used is based on place of enumeration Note 1: Calculated percentages represent a proportion ...
The seasonally adjusted balance on goods decreased $1,707m in December. Goods credits (exports) rose $471m (1.1%) driven by Metal ores and minerals. Goods debits (imports) rose $2,177m (5.9%) driven ...
1.2 million people (aged 18-75) without a (paid) job wanted a job, with 1 million available to start within 4 weeks. The most common reason for both men and women who wanted a job were unavailable to ...