Diana Teran worked for years to root out misconduct in the LA Sheriff’s Department, but now she faces charges from the state ...
As millions tuned in to watch the Super Bowl in New Orleans this month, outside the Superdome in the central French Quarter, ...
This article was published in collaboration between Bolts and New York Focus. Central New York’s Tompkins County, home to ...
Connecticut lawmakers are considering legislation to make it illegal to participate in the death penalty, following news that ...
Julia Rock is a reporter for New York Focus. Her work has appeared in the Guardian, the Intercept, the Lever, and the New York Times.
T.R. Edwards grew up with stories from his grandmother Kathleen about her struggle to vote as a Black woman in Wisconsin: A child of the Jim Crow south, she’d moved... Read More ...
Every year, police departments nationwide initiate thousands of high-speed car chases, often with little public inquiry regarding protocols and policy. But recently, this practice has come under ...
Alonzo Bland Jr., of Richmond, did everything the state asked of him following his felony conviction: He served time in state prison, completed a term of probation upon release, and paid off all court ...
After losing his reelection bid last summer, Georgia State Court Judge Stephen Yekel turned to a loophole in state law that could have erased the result and blocked the winner from taking office. In ...