这是朝鲜2025年的第二次发射。上星期,朝鲜进行了一次弹道导弹发射。 朝鲜方面表示,1月6日那次发射的是一枚新型高超音速中程导弹,设计目的是打击太平洋的远距目标,目前,朝鲜领导人金正恩誓言进一步扩大其核武库,以抗衡与之对立的国家。
North Korean groups have stolen $1.34bn through cryptocurrency hacks this year, their highest level of such thefts on record, underlining the importance of this revenue stream for Pyongyang. The total ...
Soldiers march across Kim Il Sung Square during a military parade on Saturday, April 15, 2017, in Pyongyang, North Korea Source: AAP 据韩联社称,这三名官员是朝鲜人民武装力量部 ...
Morgan Ruig and Evan Shay place bouquets at a monument to the country's leaders in North Korea. (Facebook) Source: Facebook 这两名男子名叫Morgan Ruig 和Evan Shay,年龄均为28岁。