The exit of the three Sahelian states thus provides a unique and rare opportunity for ECOWAS to develop without their baggage.
A 171-mile road project in a landlocked country in Africa is set to improve transport connections and provide a much-needed economic boost.
Panelists discuss how a second Trump administration could reshape U.S.-Africa relations, whether security, economic, and diplomatic engagement will deepen or decline, and how to define the U.S.
Niger’s journey was supported by the Reaching the Last Mile Fund, an initiative founded by President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan to accelerate the elimination of two neglected tropical diseases ...
(Reuters) - Two former company executives with inside knowledge of Barrick Gold (NYSE: GOLD )'s operations in West Africa are ...
The handover of the last French military base in Chad and the Sahel marks a loss of influence for Paris and European ...
France officially ended its decades-long military presence in Chad, its last stronghold in the West African region. The shift ...
The Sahel Can Revolutionize Renewable Energy Access and Affordability Up to the Last Mile (By Reshmi Theckethil) ...
Junta-led Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso officially quit West African bloc after more than a year of diplomatic tensions ...
Former diplomats on Thursday warned that the withdrawal of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso from the Economic Community of West ...
THE renewed attacks by armed bandit groups and the intensified violence by Boko Haram and the Islamic State of West Africa leave civilians in North-East ...