(法新社墨尔本17日电) 西班牙新星艾卡拉兹今天晋级澳洲网球公开赛男单16强,过往他会在身上刺青来纪念拿下大满贯金杯,若他成功赢得澳网冠军成为最年轻「生涯大满贯」得主,这次计划要刺上袋鼠。
China on Friday finished the construction of the main structure of a bridge in its southwestern Guizhou Province, which is set to become the world's tallest bridge. The last steel girder weighing ...
总部位于巴黎的初创公司Robeauté日前宣布获得2,800万美元风险投资,该公司的目标是将这种科幻概念变为现实。当然,该公司的技术并非将人类缩小,而是开发出一种可在人脑中游走的自推进微型机器人,长度仅为1.8毫米,约相当于一粒大米的大小,可以协助神经外科医生进行手术。Robeauté将采集组织样本用于活体检查作为首个应用场景,但该公司希望其设计的机器人能够成为多用途载体,最终可以将癌症药物直接输 ...
The steel truss structure, the bridge's primary load-bearing element, consists of 93 segments totaling approximately 22,000 tons — equivalent to the weight of three Eiffel Tower. However, challenges ...
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's side said Saturday that Yoon is expected to attend the detention necessity hearing at 2 p.m. at the court.