But the latest Diet Coke experiment? Well, it’s a little more...briny. Dua Lipa's Spicy Diet Coke Trend. The latest viral ...
The soft drink, originally marketed toward women, has become synonymous with hard-charging men from Elon Musk to the ...
An expert weighs in on Diet Coke and the health risks associated with regularly consuming the soda artificially sweetened ...
One customer has gone viral online after claiming that the cure to a migraine is McDonald's fries and Diet Coke.
Diet Coke’s reputation for promoting productivity predates the US president, of course. Financier Bob Diamond, the former CEO of Barclays, was said to have dedicated fridges of Diet Coke in his office ...
When it comes to caffeinated beverages, gays have yet another reason to feel good about their well-known preference for Diet ...
Sparkly beverages pumped with prebiotic fiber have been bubbling up for some time now, positioned both as gut-helpers and ...
For anyone who has kept up with the polarising president, they’ll know that he does have one addiction: Diet Coke. So much so that he's had a ‘Diet Coke’ button installed in the Oval Office.
Coca-Cola is entering its own contender in the trendy prebiotic soda category to compete with the popular "gut-healthy" sodas ...
A common artificial sweetener may trigger insulin spikes that lead to the build up of fatty plaques in the arteries, ...
If you ask me, Diet Coke has always been that girl. I could wax poetic about the carbonated bevvy for paragraphs. But, while I’ll likely never have the type of willpower to turn down a crispy ...