The BBC has secured exclusive broadcast rights for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland men’s international football matches in the run-up to the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2026. The deal with UEFA will see ...
Produced by Silverback Films and Open Planet Studios, it’s being released on 8 May as a ‘Global Cinema Event’ to allow audiences worldwide to come together to experience Attenborough’s untold story of ...
King Charles III has partnered with Apple Music to record a special programme revealing a personal playlist of favourite music which spans the Commonwealth.
Amazon Web Services, the retail giant’s cloud hosting business, has announced a new service which lets game developers offer “high-fidelity, low-latency” playing of their titles via “virtually any ...
Channel 4 will remain the broadcast home of Crufts until 2029 after agreeing a multi-year extension to its coverage deal with show organisers, The Kennel Club. The broadcaster, which has shown Crufts ...
Warner Bros. Discovery has struck a multi-year deal to bring Grand Slam Track, the new elite track league launched by Olympic legend Michael Johnson, to viewers across Europe & Asia.
Amazon’s Prime Video is to harness the power of AI to dub selected licensed movies and series which would otherwise only be available in their original language. The streaming service is running a ...
EE has announced new deals for March 2025 on TV, broadband and mobile plans plus smart watches and tablets, with savings as high as £600 available on selected devices. iPhone 16 Pro 5G 128GB – Save ...
A four-part documentary celebrating science fiction and the events that shaped it is coming to Sky Arts next month.
Hans Zimmer performs some of his music from Interstellar in this newly released clip from upcoming concert film Hans Zimmer & Friends: Diamond in the Desert. Heading to cinemas worldwide from March, ...