According to him, the pipeline was built with concrete segments and has been abandoned and unused since the 1970s. It was ...
Those of us who are fans of aviation and photography can attest to how the relationship between the two worlds has improved.
PP vs Vox: la diferencia entre derogar el 'sanchismo' y derogar el socialismo Un análisis de los programas de PP y Vox sobre ...
In southern Spain, the Civil Guard has been suffering from an alarming lack of resources due to the government's neglect, ...
The first of these was the Dassault Mirage III, known as the "Plancheta" (Planchette) by its Spanish pilots due to its ...
La complicidad de la URSS en el exterminio de judíos por los nazis y en su ocultamiento. Sobre el papel de la URSS no sólo en ...
The complicity of the USSR in the extermination of Jews by the Nazis and in its concealment. On the role of the USSR not only ...
The biggest wave of antisemitism in the West since the Holocaust As a history buff, I have always hoped that its ...
I think he is a brilliant man and, above all, an excellent person. Furthermore, he is a person with whom I agree on his ...
Durante varias décadas, el Ejército del Aire de España operó dos notables cazas supersónicos de fabricación francesa.
La historia del ferrocarril en Grecia se remonta a 1869, cuando se construyó la primera línea entre Atenas y el Pireo. Los ...
The history of railways in Greece dates back to 1869, when the first line was built between Athens and Piraeus. The ...