High sugar cereal brands target TV ads directly to kids under age 12. And this targeted advertising leads to greater household purchases of unhealthy kid cereals, a new study finds.
Four things NPR's Steve Inskeep learned from LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman in their discussion of his latest book, "Superagency: What Could Possibly Go Right With Our AI Future?" ...
Adam Haslett's compelling novel focuses on the strained relationship between an asylum lawyer and his mother. It's a beautiful appreciation of the all-too-human mess of life.
The weather-predicting groundhog celebrity has met two presidents and drinks a life-extending elixir: "Our Phil is like, probably 139 years old," Groundhog Club Inner Circle President Tom Dunkel says.
Target is scaling back its DEI efforts, which has prompted calls for a boycott. But Black business owners who sell at Target warn a boycott could hurt their business.