Robert, S53R start his activity as 9N7AA from Kathmandu, Nepal. He will operate on 160 - 10m. The unreal picture of nature surrounding the country looks so impressive that, despite the danger, ...
The Comoros Islands are located in the northern zone of the Strait of Mozambique. They are located between Africa and Madagascar. This state is an archipelago of three large and a number of small ...
Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as D68Z from Moroni, Comoro Islands, IOTA AF - 007, 28 February - 18 March 2025.
Colin, G4CWH will be active again as ZF2CA from Cayman Islands, IOTA NA - 016, in Beru Contest, 8 - 9 March 2025.
Эльвира, IV3FSG будет активна позывным D68Z с Коморских островов, IOTA AF - 007, 28 февраля - 18 марта 2025. Она будет работать на КВ диапазонахх CW, SSB, цифровыми видами. Последние DX споты D68Z ...
EB7DX будет активен с Американских Виргинских островов, IOTA NA - 106, в соревнованиях ARRL DX SSB Contest, 1 - 2 марта 2025, позывным KP2B.
VK9XU Team will be active from Christmas Island, IOTA OC - 002, 18 February - 4 March 2025. Team - DF4GV, DJ9RR, DL2AMD, VK6SJ, DL2AWG. Christmas Island is one of the quietest and safest places on ...
David, EB7DX will be active as KP2B from Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands, IOTA NA - 106 in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 1 - 2 March 2025. He will operate in Single Operator Single Band 10m Category. The Virgin ...
JK1SZX will be active as T88SG from Koror Island, IOTA OC - 009, Palau, 22 May - 1 June 2025. He will operate on HF Bands. T88SG and T88JH will be active from Koror Island, IOTA OC - 009, Palau, 11 - ...
Команда VP2VI будет активна с Британских Виргинских островов, IOTA NA - 023, в апреле 2025.
Fabio, IK4QJF is currently active as HI3/IK4QJF from Dominican Republic, IOTA NA - 096. He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB and Digital Modes.