Vertical Aerospace has completed Phase 2 in its piloted thurstborne test flight program and is preparing for wingborne tests.
With its latest VX4 prototype now making steady flight-test progress, and a more favourable funding position secured, the UK ...
The AAM Stock Composite got off to a bumpy start in 2025, shedding 13% in January due to a massive sell-off in shares of ...
Vertical Aerospace (EVTL) has completed the second stage of piloted thrustborne testing of its full scale VX4 prototype. The company is now ...
Vertical Aerospace hopes in the coming weeks to be able to start wing-borne flights with its VX4 prototype, for the first ...
伦敦 - 电动航空技术领先企业Vertical Aerospace (NYSE: EVTL)成功完成了其承销公开发行,募集9000万美元总收益。根据 InvestingPro 数据,该公司目前市值4.06亿美元,今年以来股价下跌超57%。这家以开创性VX4电动垂直起降 (eVTOL)飞机而闻名的公司,原本目标募资7500万美元,但由于投资者需求强劲而增加了金额。
Vertical Aerospace (Vertical) (NYSE: EVTL) ("Vertical" or the "Company"), a global aerospace and technology company that is ...
The company is now preparing for a new chapter in its history, with the VX4 entering the penultimate phase of flight testing: ...
证券时报网讯, 垂直航空航天公司(Vertical Aerospace)宣布计划进行股票增发以资助研发支出后,其股价应声下跌。周三盘后交易中,该公司股价下跌29%。 声明:证券时报力求信息真实、准确,文章提及内容仅供参考,不构成实质性投资建议,据此操作风险自担 下载“证券时报”官方APP,或关注官方微信公众号,即可随时了解股市动态,洞察政策信息,把握财富机会。
Vertical Aerospace (Vertical) (NYSE: EVTL) ("Vertical” or the “Company”), a global aerospace and technology company that is ...
Vertical Aerospace (Vertical) (NYSE: EVTL) ("Vertical" or the "Company"), a global aerospace and technology company that is ...