As I often remark, the spiritual, physical, and emotional patterns of life are the same, since they are all designed by the same Creator. The image of the smaller flame being drawn to the larger flame ...
Although Rabbi Jacobs’ article alludes to numerous other examples of scientific knowledge, let me conclude by examining a broader area which might be termed practical or applied astronomy.
By all logic, with the creation of UNHCR, UNWRA became redundant and should have been dissolved. But it wasn’t. And in retrospect, there was method to the madness.
"This threat has already extracted a heavy human toll from us . . . Everyone has joined the mission with the understanding that defending Israel's skies is a top priority." ...
When Noach sends off the raven, the Torah provides no reason, but rather Noach unceremoniously ejects the poor bird from the ark. No wonder it flounders and goes nowhere. With the dove, though, the te ...
Kalaniyot was conceptualized in the aftermath of October 7th when we felt the acute needs for community and concern about the future of U.S.-Israel academic partnerships, explained Or Hen, a professor ...
Cheit ha’egel, the sin of the golden calf, is perhaps the most infamous event in the Torah, a sin compared to the original sin of Adam HaRishon and one that has repercussions throughout Jewish histo ...
The dove was sent by Noah three times. It returned to the ark twice, portraying the middot of commitment and loyalty, both to Noah and its mate. It took its responsibilities to heart.
I cannot think of doves without considering their counterparts, ravens. I'm from Baltimore, a city that named its football team after Poe’s famous poem. Perhaps next year thinking about the Ravens w ...
Strengthening Jewish identity is the best way to combat antisemitism, Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli told participants Tuesday night during a three-day Yael International summit held in Cyprus ...