We have some incredible Hydrant Heroes in Ottawa and seven-year-old Pascal is one of them. Pascal and his family have been working hard this winter to clear snow and ice from two fire hydrants near ...
Nous avons d’incroyables héros des bornes-fontaines à Ottawa et Pascal, âgé de sept ans, est l’un d’entre eux. Pascal et sa famille ont travaillé dur cet hiver pour enlever la glace et déneiger deux b ...
Commercial vehicles or trailers with a gross vehicle weight in excess of five tonnes or 11,000 pounds per axle will be prohibited on roads where restriction signage is posted, and on all truck routes ...
On Friday, March 7, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and co-host Councillor Ariel Troster, Council Liaison for Women, Gender Equity and 2SLGBTQ+ Affairs, will host the annual International Women’s Day celebration ...
Le vendredi 7 mars, le maire Mark Sutcliffe et la conseillère Ariel Troster, agente de liaison du Conseil pour la condition féminine, l’équité des genres et les questions touchant la communauté ...
Council today prepared to declare the Office of City Councillor for Ward 20 (Osgoode) to be vacant in accordance with Section 262 of the Municipal Act, 2001 in anticipation of Councillor George ...
Le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales de la Ville a approuvé aujourd’hui le financement des demandes au Programme de subventions pour le renforcement communautaire en milieu rural. Le ...
The City’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee today approved funding for applications to the Rural Community-Building Grants Program. The program supports rural community improvement projects ...
Les véhicules commerciaux et les remorques dont le poids nominal brut est supérieur à cinq (5) tonnes ou 11 000 lb par essieu seront interdits sur les routes où des restrictions en matière de charge ...
Today, Canada's Top 100 Employers named the City of Ottawa one of 2025’s National Capital Region’s Top Employer for the 14th year.
For late payment on the interim property tax, a penalty charge of 1.25 per cent is added on the day following the March 20 due date, and it will be subsequently added to the outstanding amount on the ...