Humanoid robots will participate in a half-marathon in April in Beijing, and a humanoid robots sports meet is also scheduled ...
因为登上中国春晚舞台,人形机器人在中国突然爆火。中国官媒和驻外使馆近日把人形机器人技术创新和“量产”布局当成中国技术实力的最新对外宣传重点。专家指出,人形机器人标志着人工智能(AI)技术发展的新层次,美国仍然掌握着这一领域的核心优势。要实现机器人真正 ...
In a scene straight from science fiction, dozens of UBTech's Walker S humanoid robots are at work in a Shenzhen automotive ...
就在各领域还忙着适应生成式人工智能(AI)对产业带来的冲击时,科技企业已争相迈向下一个前沿——人形机器人。阿里巴巴旗下的金融公司蚂蚁集团和脸书母公司Meta近日陆续确认要注资研发人形机器人, ...
Recently, Morgan Stanley released a research report titled "Humanoid Robots 100: Mapping the Humanoid Robot Value Chain", ...
近日,摩根士丹利发布了一份引人瞩目的报告,题为《The Humanoid 100: Mapping the Humanoid Robot Value Chain》。此报告不仅展示了全球人形机器人产业链的百强企业榜单,还清晰地描绘了该领域的发展现状及中国在其中的领先地位。此次榜单的发布,标志着人形机器人产业正在步入一个全新的阶段,让我们一同来剖析其中的深意。
小鹏汽车董事长何小鹏 recently shared the latest progress of their humanoid robots during an international shipment ceremony. Facing widespread attention from the industry, he revealed that Xiaopeng robots are a ...
RoboSense速腾聚创凭借在灵巧手、视觉两大领域令人瞩目的业务进展,入选《报告》梳理的全球人形机器人核心产业链企业,一同入选的还有特斯拉、英伟达、Open AI、华为、小米等全球头部企业。
Imagine you’re a machine superintelligence that wants a body to move around in. Would you choose a human form? 您已阅读8%(332字),剩余92%(3630字 ...
高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)近日发布最新机器人行业研报:Global Automation: Humanoid Robots III: The supply chain dynamism(人形机器人系列III:核心供应链) (以下简称《报告》)。《报告》梳理的全球人形机器人核心产业链企业,入选企业包括特斯拉、英伟达、Open AI等,而中国企业方面,则有华为、小米、速腾聚创等企业入选。
Several companies shared their future plans for robotics with foreign investors. Unilumin revealed its intention to upgrade its static robots into mobile, intelligent humanoid robots to meet the ...