形似喷火龙的奇多。(Goldin拍卖平台)(八打灵再也6日讯)一片形状酷似宝可梦(Pokémon)经典角色的超级辣版奇多(Flamin Hot ...
(八打灵再也6日讯)一片形状酷似宝可梦(Pokémon)经典角色的超级辣版奇多(Flamin Hot Cheetos)零食,在拍卖会卖出惊人的8万8000美元(约39万1380令吉)高价。
(八打灵再也6日讯)一片形状酷似宝可梦(Pokémon)经典角色的超级辣版奇多(Flamin Hot Cheetos)零食,在拍卖会卖出惊人的8万8000美元(约39万1380令吉)高价。 这块约3英寸长的独特奇多取名 ...
A Charizard-shaped Cheeto sold for $88,000. But why? The internet’s obsession with rare snacks, meme culture, and ...
On March 2, a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like the Pokémon Charizard sold at auction for $87,840. Nicknamed “Cheetozard,” the ...
As you can see, people are willing to pay a lot for Pokémon items. According to Forbes, the earliest version of Pokémon ...
A “Flamin’ Hot” snack with an uncanny resemblance to the fire-breathing Charizard was sold at auction for nearly $90,000.
NEW YORK (AP) — A Cheeto shaped like the beloved Pokémon Charizard has sold at auction for a total cost of $87,840. The ...
Shaped like the character Charizard, and nicknamed Cheetozard, the uniquely shaped spicy snack was sold for $87,840 by Goldin ...
A viral Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like Charizard sells at auction for nearly $88K showcasing unique collectible trends.
Hungry? Well, if you had about $90k sitting around doing nothing late last week, you could have been in the running to buy a ...
Pokémon-shaped Cheeto, ‘Cheetozard,’ sells for an eye-watering amount at auction - A Cheeto shaped like the beloved Pokémon ...